Enterprising Solutions

Enterprising Solutions

Many theories and resource management programs and ventures like: Coexistent Business Module, Linear Business Module, Collaborated Business Modules and relative theories of Marketing mix; are known modules of present business and the brand establishment modules. With each resource management growth of industry or company is predicted and reached to the set vertical of its optimum establishment circle of growth.

Each business is value dependent, value and number base. For work done there is a numerical representation in value to a measurable quantum of what is achieved. That is each work done to be measurable and to have a resultant reflect or can be explained as work done and task reached. Similarly symbiotic coexistent various modules of business says the same division or work, mutually beneficial dependency for correspondent action and its resultant. Mixing ideas and related resource management gives us a very lively result to achieve not only the set result, but also gives new dimension to the Vertical as well as Horizontal growth.

Most commonly explained as “enterprising solution”. Simple word to explain the complex nature of business and its structural growth and establishments, work allocation to individuals, group of individuals and among the most like brains that think differently. So how this value added or secret works, each business has its potential and each business has its share of value to be reached. No one in the world predict that this is a monopolized business and its 100% to me, only each of us have a business and share the same so being one of many or one of few. Everyone either has many or few competition, existing commonly we can be number 1 (one) in the industry but still second (2nd) gives us competition, there is always a fear of becoming 2nd (Second). Remembering 1st and forgetting 2nd this is life rule, rather a race which each one of us run depending on how we reach it, how our will acts on it. Either we are always after it, or come as given up loss to say we cannot do it depending on individual’s potentials to reach or act.

This blog can be the one in many but potential of business and reach to be thought. It’s possible that it gets most appreciated or it’s possible it gets most adverse result on dislike. Buts either of the case are probability equilibrium. This equilibrium of thoughts revolves us in work as well in world. So what truly is business enterprising, gain-loss, win-lose, up-down. What is true co-existence or individual existence, what profits more working together or individually? What really comes to mind is the possible solution to growth. We measure potential, share in the industry. Each business with limited measure of growth and vertical has to be constant at a given instant, so what next, what goes beyond the limits of vertical growth is to either create another parallel growth or horizontal growth axis to generate many more vertical growth bar charts with practical limitless opportunity circles of development. Challenge to a coexistence of any two businesses together is related nature of enterprise. Commonly known to be corporate structure of various services provided by the industry or company to and how it has come to coexist. Enterprise Solution also has given us most easy way to coexist without having any co-relation with individual or self.

More and more people join to get and explore multiple possibilities of business solution. Result is inevitable to be, measurable growth, recorded, recreated and reached. To support this many theories, formulas, business modules and systems are followed.  

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