How to Shape Smart Change “Shop Floor Management”

Consulting and Training By HSE RM Solutions.

Shop Floor Management is a tool to lead an organization to increase its profitability and gain access to the unlimited power of workforce in form of optimized production, quality, and target achievement.
Starting with basics

Material Handling:
1.     Inward of material
2.     Storage of Material
3.     Dispensing or Release for Production
4.     Movement of Material in changing form across process and production line.
5.     Final product or finish product handling and storage.
6.     Response to rejection, spill, damage, and reuse.

Process Handling
1.     Material quantification and checks.
2.     Controls and monitoring of process requirements.
3.     Response and human-machine interphase
4.     Line management
5.     Control over rejection and process optimization.
6.     Response to recycle, reuse and handling rejection.

Most managements focus on lean principles, behavior and rules rather than on describing management processes in more details. Due to the abstract nature of these rules, their interpretation and implementation still represent a major challenge for practitioners. The concept of shop floor management emerged from recognizing the need for efficient, onsite problem solving and therefore contributes to the highest in practice approach.
The present approach in practice is of problem-solving or performance tracking, such system or operational requirements are not supporting process to address the real needs of the production floor but, rather are for satisfying external requirements such as management reporting.
Thus, an objective of Shop Floor Management is to describe and close the gap between individual behavior and organizational guidelines principles and their application in a systematic, process-oriented industrial approach. The uniqueness of such a process is that is adaptive to any industry, applicable to any industry, and is unique for each installation.

System function is very simple
Shop Floor Management à
Established Systems
Development Systems
1.     Standards and abnormalities control (Standard work practices, process layer audit, cycle and checks of operations performed);
2.     Change Point Management (Process requirements, Data Reliability, and entry, system behavior)
3.     Efficiency improvement Management (Realistic Target Setting, Conditional change accounting, the holistic performance of man and machine monitoring)
4.     Visual management (hourly count, Card Systems, Metrics);
5.     Problem Solving (Standardized Methods, escalation in the process as required)
6.     Communication Management (Leadership, shift change over, purpose and need identification)

Contact HSE RM Solutions for more details : 
What’s Up: +91-9824663306

Safety Simplified by Piyush Tripathi [HSE RM Solutions]

Safety Simplified! (Dedicated Professional Program 365)

Safety as Priority Changes… 
The phrase seemed so simple is complex as it can get. “Safety”, The word that plays a crucial role in our lives, but we often forget what it really means. What it really means? Is it so complex that words or corporate culture has given it new meaning or is it in goal to achieve absolute we have complexed it and forgot what it really stands for.
As a consultant we often come across many new words derived from risk assessments defined by simple Qualitative and Quantitative means, Simple tools given names of individual identity as survey, audit, study, adequacy and gap identification like HIRA (Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment), HazOp (Hazard and Operability Study), Point of Work Risk Assessment (POWRA), Safety integrity level (SIL), Fault Tree Analysis (FTA), Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA), Risk Appetite Definition and Assessment of Risks (RADAR), Risk Maturity Model (RMM) etc.. and many more to add spice to the meal standard based risk assessments are also prevalent like Legal safety compliance audit, safety audit (IS 14489), IEC electrical safety audit, BOCW construction work safety audit, energy audit, fire audit, fire load calculation and risk assessment, mock drill of emergency evacuation name different forms… adding still environment audit… and so on… the never-ending confusion created by whom.

Breaking beliefs …
“FEAR”        Reckoning
Yes, the word stands correct fear, on an average people spend more time in complexing things but forget the real meaning of safety. As a project and safety professionals our organization is trying to understand why such complex is reaching out in industry, bigger and complex words are ignoring one crucial factor, its called “Human”. Let’s answer it the other way around we developed an economical solution lesser then the salary of your safety professional and entire department per month. Systematic approach to answer your actual safety needs, removing all complexes utilizing tools like BBS (Behaviour Base Safety), Process Safety and Fire safety. HSE RM Solutions Simplification Tool is answer to all your safety need no software, no hardware Just Safety Human Factors and use of existing system in place, first thing is to optimize earn profit out of safety. Learning safety in a different way to ensure we are able to quantify savings and show results.

Our approach is simple focused on Man and Material to ensure optimum output. For assistance please feel free to contact us. Visit us at, E-mail:

Key Elements Of program (Commandments)
1.       Man, Movement and Risk Anticipation
2.       Man, Understanding of Risk Anticipation.
3.       Material, Understanding of Risk Anticipation
4.       Material, Movement and Risk Anticipation
5.       Process, Understanding and Risk Anticipation
6.       Fire Safety, Understanding and Risk Anticipation
7.       Basic simplified Safety and culture development program.
8.       Leadership in Safety and Culture Development
9.       Process Simplified Safety approach

10.   Continuous Development of Safety Simplified.

Don’t Sustain; Grow & Adopt Safety”  “ HSE-RM Solutions” JUST SAFETY... 
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