Element 4: Tool Box Meeting or Talk


Dear Professionals, Greetings, This video is about Construction Safety in which we will be covering Element 4: Tool Box Meeting / Talk subpart of Roles and Responsibilities of the Construction Supervisor. Toolbox meeting is a brief safety talk on a specific subject at the beginning of the shift. It can be done in a variety of ways but are typically brief (10-15 min.) on-the-job meetings held to keep employees alert to work-related accidents and illness. It's a group activity you must make sure it is onsite, job-specific, to task, and brief. Do, subscribe to our channel for notifications and hit the bell icon for receiving regular updates. Regards Piyush Tripathi HSE&F HSE-RM SOLUTIONS #constructionsafety #Safety #Safetytraining #Supervisor #Constructionsupervisor #sitesafety #toolbox # toolboxtalk #safetytalk

Element 4 Roles And Responsibilities Of Supervisor At Construction Site

Dear Professionals, Greetings, This video is about Construction Safety in which we will be covering Element 4: Roles and Responsibilities of the Construction Supervisor. Supervising is like parenting. Most people learn by trial and error with varying degrees of success. In this video, we have tried to share, the current-day role of the supervisor, which is more like a team leader, a person who manages human resource to undertake work in an efficient manner at a construction site. There are two core roles and responsibilities of construction site supervisor One Job-Related Responsibility and People Related Responsibility. Do, subscribe to our channel for notifications and hit the bell icon for receiving regular updates. Regards Piyush Tripathi HSE&F HSE-RM SOLUTIONS
#constructionsafety #Safety #Safetytraining #Supervisor #Constructionsupervisor #sitesafety #roles&responsibilities

Element 3 - The BOCW Act & Rule


Dear Professionals,


Element 3: The Building And Other Construction Workers (Regulation Of Employment And Conditions Of Service) Act, 1966 And The Central Rules 1998 – Salient Features


The construction industry plays a key role in the economic development of the country, the risk of accidents in this industry is high. A need was therefore felt to bring comprehensive central legislation for regulating safety, health, welfare, and other conditions of services of building workers. The Govt. of India enacted the Building and other construction workers (regulation of employment and condition of services) Act, 1996, and notified the Central rules 1998.


In this video, we have defied features of the Act and Rule along with some features of the act. Key information of the act and rule.



Piyush Tripathi



#safety #development #construction #constructionindustry #building #india

Element 2 Construction Safety Basics Of Accident Prevention


Dear Professionals,

Accidents are caused by the Absence of Adequate Management Control.

Accidents, ill health, and incidents are seldom inevitable random events. They generally arise from failures in control and often have multiple causes. Successful safety policies place heavy emphasis on achieving effective control over both people and technology.

Accident prevention is relatively simple because accidents are caused by the presence of hazards. Simple techniques have been evolved for accident prevention through experience.

Basic Accident Prevention element we discuss simple ways of identification and few standard techniques and how they have evolved.


Piyush Tripathi



#safety #technology #management #management #construction #constructionsafety #totalqualitymanagement #safetytraining #safetyconsulting

Element 1: Construction Safety Introduction

Element 1: Construction Safety Introduction 
Dear Professionals, 
The construction industry is one of the fastest-growing sectors so are the risk and potentials of dangers to human health and safety. The construction segment is adaptive in accepting safe work practices and management of safety on construction sites. For the same local and national legislations are set few guidelines like IS 15883: Part 5 of Construction Project Management Guideline Part 5 Health & Safety Management and many such like IS: 15793, 45000, 18000 and 14000 are all known, all these guidelines are helpful in establishing safe systems of work on construction sites. 
In this video, we discuss key points related and introduce some basics about the construction industry. Its nature, what causes accidents, and occupational health impacts. Efforts with respect to local, national, and statutory agencies and organizations, what is expected to be done for ensuring safety. The approach of Total Safety Management. 
Piyush Tripathi- HSE&F

Element 5 OH&IH Statutory Provision Related to Industrial Hygiene Part 2



Greetings All,

This video is about Element 5 OH&IH Statutory Provision Related to Industrial Hygiene.

In Part 2 of the video, we talk about a few important facts like how much weight a person can lift as per standards, how many first aiders are required based on factory size. What as per Legal norms is said about hazardous chemical handling.


Element 5 OH&IH Statutory Provision Related to Industrial Hygiene.



Element 5 Industrial Hygiene & Occupational Health - Overview.



Element 5 IH&OH Occupational Exposure Limits.





Piyush Tripathi

HSE-RM Solutions


#IndustrialHygiene #OccupationalHealth #Safety #IH #IndustrialExposure #OEL #ANTICIPATION #RECOGNITION #EVALUATION #CONTROL #Occupationalhealth

Element 5 OH&IH Statutory Provision Related to Industrial Hygiene.


Greetings All,

This video is about Element 5 OH&IH Statutory Provision Related to Industrial Hygiene.

The Factories Act-1948 clearly defines the OH & IH (Occupational Health & Industrial Hygiene) requirements listed in various national and state regulations and rules.

It’s important to know why and what provisions are legally abiding. In this video, have tried and, list down some of the core elements of the factories act which forms a base guide on OH & IH requirements of industrial practices.



Piyush Tripathi

HSE-RM Solutions


#IndustrialHygiene #OccupationalHealth #Safety #IH #IndustrialExposure #OEL #ANTICIPATION #RECOGNITION #EVALUATION #CONTROL #Occupationalhealth

Element 5 IH&OH Occupational Exposure Limits

https://youtu.be/-XuOUAfr-rU Greetings All, This video is about Element 5 Industrial Hygiene & Occupational Health in which we will be discussing on 02 Occupational Exposure Limits The main task of Occupational Hygiene is to protect the health of the working population. Among the first practical measures is the determination of any dangerous, harmful, i.e. toxic substances in the atmosphere of the work environment. After determination of the present concentration at a given working place, the nest, natural step, must be the evaluation of the obtained results against national or international exposure limits standards. Last Video: Industrial Hygiene & Occupational Health – An Overview. https://youtu.be/87PEfljOB_8 Regards, Piyush Tripathi HSE-RM Solutions

Element 5 Industrial Hygiene & Occupational Health

https://youtu.be/87PEfljOB_8 Greetings All, This video is about Element 5 Industrial Hygiene & Occupational Health in which we will be discussing on 01 IH - Industrial Hygiene & Occupational Health – An Overview. Industrial hygienists analyze, identify, and measure workplace hazards or stresses that can cause sickness, impaired health, or significant discomfort in workers through chemical, physical, ergonomic, or biological exposures. Two roles of the industrial hygienist are to spot those conditions and help eliminate or control them through appropriate measures. Regards, Piyush Tripathi HSE-RM Solutions #IndustrialHygiene #OccupationalHealth #Safety #IH #IndustrialExposure #OEL #ANTICIPATION #RECOGNITION #EVALUATION #CONTROL #Occupationalhealth

Element 4: PPE - Type of Respiratory Protective Equipment

 Element 4 PPE - Type of Respiratory Protective Equiipment

Dear All,


This Video is about Element 4: PPE - Type of Respiratory Protective Equipment, where we will define Respiratory PPE,

Element 4 PPE- Part 1 https://youtu.be/RbVKxFV-814

In the First Part, we covered, categories PPE specific to Respiratory Protection.



Piyush Tripathi

HSE-RM Solutions.

#PPE, #Safety #Safetyconsulting, #Safetytraining #Firesafety




Dear All,


This Video is about Element 4: PPE - Categories of PPE, where we will define Respiratory PPE, this will be in 2 parts the first part is on Classification of Hazards for Respiratory Protection,  we have explained

1. Oxygen deficient work environment.

2. Gas or vapor Contaminants.

3. Air-borne particulate matter.

4. Mixture of gases, vapors, and particulate matter

Part 2 will be on Types of Respiratory Protective Equipment.



Piyush Tripathi

HSE-RM Solutions.


#PPE, #Safety #Safetyconsulting, #Safetytraining #Firesafety

Element 3: Basics of Fire Prevention & Protection - FIXED FIRE FIGHTING SYSTEM



Dear All,

This video is about the Basics of Fire Prevention & Protection, where we will be discussing briefly FIXED FIRE FIGHTING SYSTEM, Where we will be covering Fixed fire fighting system comprises of –

1) Hydrant System

2) Sprinkler System

3) Automatic CO2 Flooding System

4) Fire Detection and Alarm System

5) Central Monitoring System

Understanding this would require an understanding of PRINCIPLES OF FIRE EXTINGUISHING which is also discussed in brief.


Piyush Tripathi


#Safety #safetytraining #safetyconsulting #safetyfirst #firesafety #Firerisk #firefighting #firefightingsystem #fdas #hydrant #hydrantsystem #sprinklersystem #gasfloodingsystem #firedetection 

Element 3 - Basics of Fire Prevention & Protection- Portable Fire Fighting Systems

Dear All, This video is about the Basics of Fire Prevention & Protection, where we will be discussing briefly Portable Fire Fighting Systems, Where we will be covering The First Aid Fire Fighting Appliances In Common Use. Maintenance Of Portable Fire Extinguishers. Extinguishing Media and its limitations.
As we use First Aid Box in case any of us gets slightly injured or suffers a wound and we don’t need a Civil Surgeon to deal with a petty injury. In the same way, this cannot be achieved by the use of heavy equipment which is costly and difficult to handle and sometimes also beyond the reach of an average house-holder, or owner of premises where he runs his business or carries out activities to produce some thing. Here First Aid Appliances are of prime importance as they are not costly and intricate, but are cheap and handy and have added advantage of a simple mechanism that can be handled by any layman. Regards, Piyush Tripathi HSE-RM SOLUTIONS #Safety #safetytraining #safetyconsulting #safetyfirst #accidentreporting #clasificationofaccidents #Accidentprevention #machineguarding #machineprotection #industrialsafety #electricalsafety #machinesafety

Element 3 Basics of Fire Prevention & Protection


Dear All,

This video is about the Basics of Fire Prevention & Protection, where we will be discussing brief on Fire & Explosion Hazards some definitions and General Classifications of Hazardous Area And Safety Aspects Including Flameproof Electrical Equipment.

The classification of areas has been done according to the extent of risk involved so that it provides a guideline to the choice of equipment to be installed in different areas on the basis of the extent of the hazard.


Piyush Tripathi



#Safety #safetytraining #safetyconsulting #safetyfirst #accidentreporting #clasificationofaccidents #Accidentprevention #machineguarding #machineprotection #industrialsafety #electricalsafety #machinesafety

Element 2- Statutory Legislation - State Factory Rules


Greetings All,
In this video, we will be discussing, Element 2-Statutory Legislation - An overview-Part 2, covering information on Factories Act 1948 of India & State Factory Rules as Part 2.
These videos are sub-element of the actual full-length program but an important part of element learning.

Your Partner In Safety…

#Factoriesact #factoriesrules #statefactoryrules #Safety #safetytraining #safetyconsulting #safetyfirst #accidentreporting #clasificationofaccidents #Accidentprevention #machineguarding #machineprotection #industrialsafety #electricalsafety #machinesafety #healthandsafety #firesafety

Introducing Digital PPE Matrix 2.0 – Now Voice-Activated!

🚀 Introducing Digital PPE Matrix 2.0 – Now Voice-Activated! 🎤   #InnovationInSafety #PPEMatrix #HSE   A question came to us: ...