Q&A Regulating Health and Safety Hindi

Dear Professionals, These videos are part of Element 1: Why We Should Manage Workplace Health and Safety. In Hindi length of videos are long for they are with explanation of the element as well. As promised, here is a video in Hindi for Regulating Health & Safety. Questions We took were 1. Explain the responsibilities of employers towards health and safety of workers. 2. Outline the workers responsibility towards health and safety and describe their rights. Previous Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-C70GH91aI 3. Outline the role of enforcement agencies in maintain health and safety and define the actions enforcing agencies can take on noncompliance of health and safety standards. (What are the consequences for an employer of noncompliance with health and safety legal responsibilities?) 4. Outline the sources information available on health and safety. Previous Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y25RpsRyEBk Morals and Money 1. Define the terms – (a) Health, (b) Safety, (c) Welfare 2. Explain why an organization should manage health and safety. English Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ItkSZ...​ 3. Outline the term The Business Case for Health and Safety. 4. Explain Insured and Uninsured cost of accidents with examples. English Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jpnQ_​... Have tried to keep it as simple as possible. This entire Q& A Series will be like this only, English and Hindi Both the videos. you can write to us. for specific questions. Regards, Piyush Tripathi E: hse@hse-rm.com #Safety​​ Training, # Safety Consulting

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